Thursday, October 30, 2008

so hot right now...

bridesmaids, spaniels, frogs.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Today's Cunt Award Goes to....

So in a bid to calm Raekwon The Duck and become a bit more regular in my 'droppings' I thought I should create a weekly column and what better than a Cunt Award?

To kick things off I'm starting with a London lady called Nicky Deeley. Now, fine woman she may be - a talented artist no doubt, but there is absolutely no excuse for this:

VICE: How would you describe your style?

ND: It's direct and honest, like the moment between two samurai, when they know one sword is going to connect and there is that tiny perfect still moment when they both realise what's going to happen but it hasn't happened yet, it's beautiful and honest but also brutal. It's about finding a way as a person to connect for just a moment to a real spriritual experience. We are all trying to fill our lives with so many objects and activities to reach some kind of level, but it's pretty futile and fleeting. But on the flip side it's got loads of vibrant earthy humour and wonkiness that makes it really approachable.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Look after you face bro

the weekend run down:

duck birthdays
french girls
australian girls
loud bass
strange teacher fancying american girls
long journeys home

silenced beaks!

there has been a serious lack of quacking in here... we suck!
anyway, we have been busy. The internet has been buzzing and people are commenting...looks like the ducks are on a rampage...
had a visit from a very good friend mid week and he force fed me alcohol.. he is a bad influence of the highest order! isnt that right mr Norris?!

the weekend was JOKES ... bumped into the man Raskitt at a dance and the jokes increased 10 fold...

im off to give you the proper weekend run down and tell the other ducks to shake their tail feathers and post up some shiiit!

The Past is so hot right now

see if you spot the title of this blog anywhere else....

1994...Real Hip Hop

Monday, October 6, 2008

best colab EVER

its been a while

oi oi

the weekend consisted of:

falling off bike
shooting guns
shooting pictures
gutting deer
black boys inn
manor houses
cut and bruised private parts
ex girlfriends

Saturday, October 4, 2008


so after promising a good first post , he goes and does that!!

cheers .....

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

a twack of ducks...

duck norris does not sleep.

he waits.

new duckling on board

Well it seems that we have a new duckling to bring to the party.
i have no control over the name he pecked for himself. I was gonna call im bRYan from Ducklife, but clearly he thought he would make himself sound tuff (street spelling innit) and go with Duck Norris.....

await a good first post from him , probably about how he turned his brain to complete mush in Ibiza recently!!

Mr Norris... we welcome you!